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STAR WARS: EPISODE IX and INDIANA JONES 5 Get Official Release Dates

STAR WARS: EPISODE IX and INDIANA JONES 5 Get Official Release Dates

Few things are guaranteed in life except for death, taxes, and a brand new Star Wars movie every year until the end of time. (And in the case of The Phantom Menace, you’ll get all three in one convenient package.) But Lucasfilm isn’t content to sit on its laurels and rest on the staggering achievements of Episode I; The Walt Disney Company and Lucasfilm announced on Tuesday release dates for two of their most vaunted franchises, Star Wars and Indiana Jones.

Star Wars: Episode IX will release on May 24, 2019, and will bring the trilogy that J.J. Abrams launched in 2015 to a close. Directed by Colin Trevorrow, Episode IX is still largely shrouded in mystery—especially since The Last Jedi won’t hit theaters until December of this year. We know that in addition to directing, Trevorrow will pen the script alongside his Jurassic World co-writer Derek Connolly. We also learned at Star Wars Celebration that it will not feature General Leia Organa in the wake of Carrie Fisher’s passing in December 2016. And unless something absolutely devastating happens, we’ll see BB-8’s bleeping, blooping, and thumbs-upping all over the final episode of the modern trilogy.


The following year, Harrison Ford will reprise another classic role in the fifth chapter of the Indiana Jones series, which will come out on July 10, 2020. Joining Ford as a constant of the series is Steven Spielberg, who will be returning to direct the film. No word yet on whether Shia LaBeouf will be reprising his role as Mutt Williams, a.k.a. Indiana Jones’ bastard son, but I think there would be some delightful symmetry if he played a Nazi version of the character who murders Indy in the film’s third act like some sort of ersatz Kylo Ren for the archaeological adventure set.

Of course, given that these movies are both several years away, we’ll have plenty of time to pontificate on what they may or may not include. In the meantime, let’s just agree to meet at the theater at 7:45PM for an 8PM showing. And make sure you leave early because parking there is just the worst. Also do you want any snacks? I’m getting peanut M&Ms.


What do you hope to see from Star Wars: Episode IX and Indiana Jones 5? Let us know in the comments below.

Image: Disney/Lucasfilm

Dan Casey is the senior editor of Nerdist and the author of books about Star Wars and the Avengers. Follow him on Twitter (@Osteoferocious).

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