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STAR WARS Coloring Book Announced By Marvel

There was a recent study that stated that coloring books are a fantastic alternative to mediation. In fact, as of late last year, six of top 20 bestselling books on Amazon were adult coloring books. They apparently remind you of your younger days, before you had to take on three jobs to pay for all your Star Wars toys. Well, if you’re currently super-stressed and want to bliss out with some colored pencils and markers, we’ve got some great news for you. Marvel has announced a brand new Star Wars coloring book!

Color Your Own: Star Wars will have a whopping 120 pages of artwork from Marvel’s first year of Star Wars comics that you can color yourself. Want to make Leia a blond? Think Luke would look better in a pink and purple flight jacket? Want to see Chewbacca as a redhead? It’s all up to you! You’ll be able to grab one of these babies for $9.99. However, you’ll have to wait until October, 2016 to do it. That’s okay. This year’s Force Friday will already be behind you and you’ll have gotten at least one paycheck to replenish the Star Wars fund.

This book is just the latest in the Color Your Own series that already featured Civil War, Little Marvel and Age of Ultron. In addition, it was just announced that, on top of Star Wars, we’re getting Women of Power with the amazing She-Hulk and the rest of A-Force in September. We’re also getting one for Dr. Strange in October. You’re going to be so relaxed that even your cat will envy you!

Check out the full cover below and tweet me/us @JennaBusch/@Nerdist and tell us if you’ve adopted the latest zen trend and what color you’re going to make the Millennium Falcon. Perhaps a nice puce?



HT:, Huffington Post
Image credit: Marvel

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