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This STAR WARS Bookend Uses the Force to Organize Your Shelves

Star Wars fans know the Force is an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us; it binds the galaxy together. Now if you had that kind of power, what would you use it for? As an ancient Jedi master, Yoda would surely use it to keep his books in order. Have you seen his hut on Dagobah? It needs all the help it can get.

This whimsical metal bookend from Hallmark shows Yoda using the Force to creatively hold up his collection of books. Perhaps it’s to organize the sacred Jedi texts, or maybe his cookbooks so he can make more rootleaf stew for visitors. Whatever is stored here will be enjoyed with the addition of Master Yoda’s powerful push.

Hallmark also has all your upcoming holidays covered, with dads and grads picture frames perfect for June celebrations. Their Star Wars Learned Much Picture Frame is hilarious for recently graduating padawan. (Just don’t let Anakin get a look at it.)

A Father’s Day “I am your father” picture frame is an excellent gift for your own dad and it just might be just the thing to convince Darth Vader that there’s light within him after all. Sadly, the Solo family won’t be needing one of these.

With Hallmark producing so much fantastic Star Wars merchandise, I can’t wait to see what’s in store for the December celebrations. My Star Wars tree is ready and waiting for new holiday decorations!

Hallmark has even more fun Star Wars products available in stores and online at

Will you be using Yoda to organize your messy bookshelves? Do, or do not; there is no try. Let us know in the comments and tag @nerdist and @justjenn on Twitter to show us your organized (or messy) Star Wars collection!

Images: Hallmark

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