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STAR WARS: BATTLEFRONT’s New ”Drop Zone” Game Mode Keeps Eyes to the Skies

It is only a couple of months until Star Wars: Battlefront hits shelves, and it seems the team over at DICE and EA still have more surprises in store. In a post on EA’s official Star Wars site, it was revealed that yet another multiplayer game mode is being added to the list of ways to enjoy battle front, and it is called Drop Zone.

The Drop Zone game mode will play out similar to a King of the Hill-style game as many will remember from other first-person shooters — namely the Halo franchise. In a 10-minute, 16-player match, both teams of 8 must battle each other while waiting for Drop Pods to land across the map. When one does they teams must race to the pod and initiate a “claim” action. The game ends when one team either captures 5 pods in total, or controls the most of them by the end of the 10 minutes. So, unlike Halo, the “hill”, or the pod in this case, is not captured for a short amount of time and then a new one appears; pods must be captured and held constantly in order to gain all five.

Claimed pods will also grant Power Pick-ups to the team that controls it which can be used as an advantage against the enemy team. This requires hanging around after claiming a pod for it to open and offer the pick-ups. While that is happening the other team could already be on their way to claim the new pod that just landed. This is exactly the kind of dilemma that Dennis Brännvall, the game’s lead level designer, wants players to struggle with:

“This goes hand in hand with our design philosophy behind many of the game modes in Star Wars Battlefront. We’re promoting the idea of a fast, action-packed game where you need to be mobile and think on your feet. Camping doesn’t really pay off.”

Star Wars: Battlefront will launch its multiplayer beta in October, and the official launch of the game on November 17th. Be sure to let us know what game mode you are most excited for in the comments below!



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