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STAR TREK: TNG’s Communicator Badge Is Now a Reality

STAR TREK: TNG’s Communicator Badge Is Now a Reality

Although Star Trek has a long history of inspiring real technology, not everything seen on the TV shows has come to pass. For example, we’re still waiting on phasers, replicators, transporters, and fully functioning tricorders! But if you’ve ever wanted to own a Star Trek communicator that actually works, then you won’t have to wait very long.

Via Comic Book Resources, FameTek has revealed that it has created a replica prop of the communications badge frequently worn in Star Trek: The Next Generation. The fully licensed ComBadge is Bluetooth compatible, which means that you can connect it to your phone or device and actually make calls with it. The ComBadge has a built in mic, and it can play audio in addition to accessing Siri, Google Now, and Cortana. And yes, it does make the chirping noise from TNG when you press it. To be honest, we’d almost buy it just for that.

The ComBadge comes with a micro-USB charging cable and it attaches to your clothing with magnets, so you don’t have to worry about making any holes in your shirts or tops. There may be some slight design changes pending approval from the licensor, but the final version is likely to look pretty close to this.

Star Trek The Next Generation ComBadge

Think Geek has posted a pre-order page for the Star Trek: The Next Generation ComBadge, which will cost $79.99. But it won’t be released until November, so you’re just gonna have to use your regular phone until then.

Are you excited about the ComBadge? And will you pick up one of your own? Set a course for the comment section and engage!

Image: FameTek

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