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STAR TREK Classic and NEXT GENERATION Adult Coloring Books Coming from Dark Horse

It was recently announced that publisher Dark Horse Comics wold branch out into the world of adult coloring books this year, with new issues featuring the characters from Avatar: The Last Airbender and Joss Whedon’s cult classic Serenity. Now the universe of adult coloring books is getting a warp-speed boost into that final frontier, as Dark Horse has just announced that the crews of the U.S.S. Enterprise from both the original Star Trek as well as Star Trek: The Next Generation are beaming down to a local comic shop near you this coming October.

Each adult coloring book will feature 45 pages of original artwork ready to be colored on thick, heavyweight 10 x 10–inch pages, at a price of $14.99. Both the Star Trek: The Original Series and Star Trek: The Next Generation adult coloring books will showcase stunningly detailed black-and-white images to color in any way you desire, with brand new illustrations by a series of amazing artists. This is a perfect way for Trekkers everywhere to celebrate the franchise’s 50th anniversary.

With this new coloring book, you’ll be able to color in Mr. Spock’s amazing purplish eyeshadow from the classic show, or Captain Jean-Luc Picard’s big bald head. You can even give all your least favorite cast members (we won’t name names) a red shirt if you so desire, and gleefully imagine them not coming back from the latest away mission. You can see the covers to both the classic Star Trek coloring book as well as The Next Generation edition in our gallery below.

Both the Star Trek: The Original Series Adult Coloring Book and Star Trek: The Next Generation Adult Coloring Book are in stores on October 19.

Are you stoked about the possibilities of coloring in the crews of the Enterprise? Let us know what you think in the comments below.

Images: CBS / Dark Horse Comics


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