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STAR TREK BEYOND Clip Introduces Sofia Boutella’s Jaylah

Quick—what’s black and white and threatening Simon Pegg’s Scotty with a knife? That would be the mysterious Jaylah, one of the principal aliens introduced in Star Trek Beyond. And we’ve got a clip of her first encounter with the Enterprise crewman in today’s Movie Morsels. Plus, the latest from the set of Spider-Man: Homecoming, a new trailer for A Monster Calls, and much more!

Star Trek Beyond

I’ll admit I haven’t been a huge fan of Bad Robot’s Star Trek Abramsverse thus far. But that’s mainly due to a pair of underwhelming scripts by Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci. So with Simon Pegg scripting and Justin Lin (a much better action director than Abrams) behind the camera for Star Trek Beyond, I’m cautiously optimistic that we’ll at last get a decent adventure set in the Nu Trek universe that doesn’t make longtime fans of the venerable franchise wince while watching it. Anyway, here’s the latest clip from the film, with Pegg and one of the film’s new stars, Sofia Boutella…

Bonus! Here are three new TV spots for Star Trek Beyond. Enjoy…


Spider-Man: Homecoming

I was kind of hoping that Tom Holland’s second appearance as Peter Parker, in Marvel’s upcoming Spider-Man: Homecoming, would see his suit upgraded to resemble the Spidey costume we all know and love. In other words, without the annoying wrist- and armbands! Unfortunately, the latest photos from the film’s set indicate this won’t be the case. Though who knows? Maybe the scenes being shot in these pics are set early in the film, and by the end, Holland’s Spidey will realize wearing the same suit as Tobey Maguire might not be such a bad thing after all…


A Monster Calls

The latest trailer for A Monster Calls features our first really good view of the children’s fantasy film’s titular creature, voiced by Liam Neeson. The actor himself (looking almost as scraggly as his character) introduces this new look at the October 21 release, co-starring Sigourney Weaver, Felicity Jones, Toby Kebbell, and Lewis MacDougall…

[Focus Features]


Timur Bekmambetov’s new take on Ben-Hur reportedly focuses much more on the action in Lew Wallace’s novel Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ than William Wyler’s 1959 Oscar-winning biblical epic did. And with a chariot race that supposedly runs nearly half the length of the film! But hey, I’ll watch damn near anything with Morgan Freeman it. The actor, along with title star Jack Huston and Toby Kebbell’s villainous Messala are featured in two new TV spots…


Lights Out

Finally today we have a new clip from Lights Out. The supernatural horror flick, directed by David F. Sandberg, has been generating a good bit of praise since its premiere at this summer’s Los Angeles Film Festival. Will it live up to the hype? We’ll know when it opens on July 22nd.

[Coming Soon]

What do you think of today’s top stories? Let us know below!

Featured Image: Paramount

Images: Paramount

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