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Square Enix Confirms FINAL FANTASY X/X-2 HD REMASTER For PS4

It looks like those trolls from Square Enix have emerged from under their bridge to give us some rather good news. Square Enix has confirmed all of the rumors, and Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster will indeed be hitting the PS4 here in the good ole US of A. The game is set to release during the Spring of 2015 alongside the Final Fantasy VII re-release that’s currently making the world burn. Both re-releases will be ported to the PS4 with system exclusive features, which we are currently in the dark about at this present time.

Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster will be available via digital download for $50 when it releases next year, with the Final Fantasy VII re-release being marked at $16 for anyone looking to indulge– though I’d much rather just fire up my OG PlayStation and play the game considering that what’s being offered is pretty much the same thing. I’m not too lazy to change discs!

Are you guys excited about Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster? Will we ever let bygones be bygones and forgive Square-Enix for the painful trolling they bestowed upon us at PSX last weekend? Cast your thoughts down into the comments below.

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  1. Beaniie says:

    This game and the last of us is the sole reason I would by a PS3/4.

  2. Leander says:

    Ohhh, no! You won’t do “system exclusives”!!! First of all, Final Fantasy X is only Final Fantasy X with all its features it has in the original PS2 version! And second: Only for FFX HD for the PS3 I bought a PS3! Really?!? Should I have paid all that money for NOTHING??? It’s OK when Square Enix releases these features for the PS3 too, but I won’t ever except “system exclusive features” for only the PS4!!!
    Have a nice day.

    • Leander says:

      Oh, I’m sorry I was too lazy to notice, I wanted to write “accept”, not “except”. stupid mobile… I’m sorry for that.

  3. PheFo says:

    Everything after the Square Enix merger has been crap or worse. The best they can do is milk the classic Squaresoft titles for everything they’re worth. Releasing remakes and ports of past “Final Fantasy” titles (while ignoring the other great games in their library) are all they are good for. Please stop supporting this terrible company. Instead, turn your attention to Konami, and tell them to get their act together and give us another “Suikoden” title. Or scream at Sony for another entry to “The Legend of Dragoon” series. It’s far better to revive these lost franchises than to keep wishing for a true “Final Fantasy VII” remake…or a good “Final Fantasy” for that matter.

  4. grim says:

    It’s dope that you still have your OG Playstation, alas mine did not stand the test of time. My PS2 is still working though. Plus it’s backwards compatible and loads faster than PS1. Only reason I still fire it up anymore is to replay the FF titles and the occasional Resident Evil 2.

  5. ben says:

    whats an xbox?

  6. Nick says:

    What about for Xbox? I would love to be able to play one of my favorite childhood games on my Xbox One

    • Malik Forté says:

      Hey Nick! As of now they haven’t announced anything for Xbox One, but stay tuned as you never know what may happen

    • DreamDestroyer says:

      I’m sorry to say but since a while back, Square Enix only creates their main games as exclusives for the Playstation Console (and sometimes Vita). So don’t expect Final Fantasy to arive on XBone.

      • PsychoticFroger says:

        FFXI, FFXIII, FFXIII-2, LR:FFXIII, and FFXXV, Final Fantasy Type 0 — all on Xbox. The only recent game not on XBox is FFXIV. The remaster of two games that were never on XBox is also an exception. So your are incorrect. Square Enix for a long time now has made all of their main games available on both PS and XB.

        • Luke says:

          Final Fantasy X & X-2 are PlayStation Exclusive since Sony bought the rights to have it exclusive back in 2000 when the games were made.