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Spotify Makes Its Way to PlayStation This Spring

Have you been yearning to go through the Red Hot Chili Pepper‘s entire discography while looting and leveling on Dragon Age: Inquisition? Do you have an urge to listen to Beyonce‘s entire catalogue while slaying Uruks in Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor? Of course you have! Today we’ve got some good news coming out of the PlayStation camp that will surely satisfy anyone with aural ambitions relative to the aforementioned.

In a move that seemed too sensible not to happen, PlayStation announced today that they’ll be adding Spotify support to the PS3 and PS4 sometime this spring. This means that folks with both free and premium Spotify accounts will be able to link them up with their PlayStation Network accounts, and stream music from Spotify’s robust catalogue while going about their usual PlayStation business.

Sony’s existing music service, Music Unlimited, will see its final day on March 19 and will then be shutdown in the 19 markets in which it currently exists. This is all a part of Sony’s plans to step up their music efforts, which are operating under the current moniker of PlayStation Music.

The only thing that would make this any sweeter is if PlayStation found some way to add a DJ feature to party chats, allowing users to play songs that can be heard simultaneously with their friends. I’d imagine that this would be far less taxing bandwidth-wise than Share Play, and would be an excellent way for players to share music amongst each other. Make this happen Sony, and feel free to thank me for the idea sometime later.

Are you happy about PlayStation’s decision to partner with Spotify? Is this the best solution for music-loving PlayStation 4 owners? Let us know in the comments below.

[HT: PlayStation Blog]

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