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Spooky Tunes: Nekrogoblikon’s “No One Survives”

Monster and metal fans rejoice! Goblin themed metal band Nekrogoblikon’s music video for their song “No One Survives” hits the spot for those of us anticipating Halloween. Directed by Brandon Dermer, the video is a heartwarming underdog story disguised as a gory monster flick. We think it’s a perfectly epic jam to ring in those longer nights, and the video will inspire you to be the hero you always knew you could be.

If you dig the song, be sure to check out Nekrogoblikon’s Bandcamp site, and if you want to see more amazing videos, Dermer’s got them all on his web site. (He’s done videos for Major Lazer, Wavves, Jon Lajoie, and many others!)

What other music videos help you set the mood for the chilly month of October? What bands have been on your radar lately? Are you a metal fan, or just a goblin fan? Leave a comment below or let me know what spooky tunes you love on Twitter!

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  1. Whitney Moore says:

    Halloween Playlist is a comin soon. Thanks for the suggestions!

  2. Krowface says:

    “What other music videos help you set the mood for the chilly month of October?”

    It’s not so much a video in particular that does it for me, but instead it’s a carefully orchestrated playlist that’s mostly just Type O Negative, The Misfits, and Hard Rock Zombie.