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Spoiler Alert! Every On-Screen GAME OF THRONES Death

Just in time for Season 4, the folks at Digg have edited together a video of every on-screen death Game of Thrones had to offer for the past three seasons. The video is filled with as many spoilers as there are deaths (duh!). You’ve been warned.

And if you think the infamous Red Wedding scene was painful to watch the first time around, then you probably want to stop at 2:15.

Watch all of the anguish in this three minute video below:

I must admit, watching the Starks die all over again is easier stomached when Dick van Dyke’s Put On A Happy Face is played. And while the majority of the deaths occurred during the wildfire explosions of Blackwater Bay, the 5,179 body count is still quite staggering. 5,179!

The only question left to ask is, “how high will the death toll reach when Season 4 returns tomorrow?”

If you’re looking to have some GoT fun this season, don’t forget to check out our Game of Thrones Fantasy Fantasy League.

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