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Original SPIDER-MAN Movie Inspired This Marvelous Prom Proposal

While all of our hearts are aflutter now for the perfection that is Tom Holland as Spider-Man, let us not forget the man who helped make Spidey a cinematic icon: Tobey Maguire. If it wasn’t for the massive success of his Spider-Man trilogy in the early 2000s, we might not even have the Marvel Cinematic Universe we have today. So it’s nice to see that some teenagers out there remember and are still honoring one of the iconic moments from Tobey’s run as Peter Parker. Case in point: a recent high school prom proposal that went viral.

We learned about this from a thread off of Twitter from a user by the name of Jenna McCintosh, who revealed that her young man decided to ask her to prom by recreating the famous upside down kiss between Spidey and Kirsten Dunst’s Mary Jane Watson from Sam Raimi’s classic first film. He did this by actually hanging upside down in a Spider-Man costume outside his garage. He also threw in a sign with a Marvel pun worthy of anyone’s dad. Or Stan Lee.

Here’s the kicker though: according to her own comments on the Twitter thread, the poor guy was hanging there for an entire five minutes from the moment he sent her a text telling her to come outside till the time she showed up. With all the blood rushing to his head from being upside down for so long, he could have passed out and hit his head falling out of that second story garage window. Given the effort, I’m sure glad she said yes. Although one person on her thread said “I thought it was Tom Holland” to which Spidey’s prom date answered “I wish it was Tom Holland.” Ouch.

The original post was from May 16, so we imagine that the prom in question already happened or will very soon. If the Spidey kid goes to the dance in full web slinger gear, he gets extra points from us. And if he does, we want photographic evidence. Just sayin.’

What do you think of this Marvel inspired prom proposal? Be sure to let us know what you think in the comments down below.

Images: Sony Pictures

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