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The Monstars Take on Blake Griffin in Hilarious SPACE JAM Ad

In 1996, the Monstars came to Earth in Space Jam and challenged the Looney Tunes characters (and Michael Jordan) to play in the ultimate intergalactic basketball game for guts, glory, and world domination. Twenty years later, the Monstars are back, but this time, it’s the Clippers’ Blake Griffin who is lacing up against them!

Footlocker has released a new Space Jam themed ad that features the Monstars returning to Earth and dominating basketball everywhere—on the courts, in the streets. it’s a pretty crap move, considering that the Monstars supposedly reformed at the end of Space Jam, but maybe they were just waiting for Jordan to retire.

Now, if you know your Space Jam history, you’re likely to remember that the original movie was actually inspired by a TV commercial pretty similar to this one. And if you’re a frequent visitor here at Nerdist, you’ll also know there’s already a Space Jam 2 in development with LeBron James reportedly attached to star and Justin Lin potentially directing the sequel.

So, why is Griffin in this ad instead of James? It could be because none other than Jordan himself has endorsed Griffin as his successor in the franchise. Whether Griffin will end up in Space Jam 2 alongside James or in place of him remains to be seen. So long as those Monstars get put in their place, we don’t care which NBA superstar takes up the mantle. Heck: let ’em all have at it! Basketball is a team sport, after all.

Do you want to see more Space Jam with Griffin as the star? Take your shots from downtown, and share your thoughts below!

Featured Image: Footlocker

And here’s 7 slamtacular Space Jam facts!



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