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SOS ISLAND: Choose Your Champion and WIN!


The SOS Island competition and survival program is in full swing. The field of contestants is down from 16 to eight and the tasks are getting all the more daunting as the days wear on. We told you last month about the contestants and their goal of winning $100,000 towards an island experience through challenges involving documenting their experiences using a Samsung S4 Zoom, and that they’ll receive survival advice in real time from expert Les Stroud.

We also told you that it would be up to viewers to select the winner. Entering its third week, with episodes airing on Tuesdays and Thursdays from now until Thanksgiving, the interactive game show needs you now more than ever, and participating could win you a Samsung S4 Zoom of your very own. That’s right; if you pick the winner, you could be a winner yourself.

All you have to do is vote for which of the eight contestants you want to win, then tell us in the comments below who you chose and why. When the program comes to a close on Thursday, November 28th, 2013, we’ll randomly pick one of you who chose the correct champion and they will win a brand spanking new Samsung S4 Zoom phone camera. It’s as simple as that.

Contest begins today, November 4th, 2013, and entries must be received by midnight on Wednesday, December 4th, 2013. To help you decide who you’re all important vote goes to, here are all 12 episodes of the SOS Island series. Watch, study, choose and win! Jump down to the comments, enter your name, email and tell us who you want to see walk away the SOS Island winner.













What have you got to lose? Enter today. The contestants are doing all the hard stuff; you won’t even have to swat a mosquito.



TRUE DETECTIVE Season 2 Episode 1 Recap

TRUE DETECTIVE Season 2 Episode 1 Recap





  1. Neil T says:

    Have to go with Graham!

  2. laurie says:

    Graham, he can figure anything out!

  3. Daniella says:

    I voted for Graham

  4. Ian Baumeister says:

    Brittany is the BEST!

  5. Tate says:

    Graham, he is the most capable in the group to lead~

  6. Johnna Rhodus says:

    My vote goes to Graham, because he’s the most intelligent and savvy!!!

  7. Sari S says:

    Graham! He made the best videos. And he’s the nerdiest. #ChooseHughes

  8. Michelle Washburn says:

    Graham has got my vote, he has it together!

  9. Jonathan G says:

    My vote is for Graham

  10. Thomas Tallant says:

    Graham, mostly for being a ninja.

  11. Verle Follette says:

    Rosy for the three challenge wins!

  12. Keya Millionie says:

    Graham, for his ingenuity

  13. Jeff Wynn says:

    Brittany for the win because she has the desire to beat her competition.

  14. LagMo says:

    Gotta pick Graham, <3 hammocks 🙂

  15. segacs says:

    Voting for Graham. Because he’s a travelaholic just like me.

  16. Keith Evans says:

    My vote is for Graham, for his skills and he appears to be the smartest .


  17. Jasper R. says:

    I’m voting for Brittany!!

  18. Coffee Lew says:

    My vote is for Karen…because in my heart I just REALLY want her to win.

  19. Dreadlord Chuck Wentzell says:

    Brittany has the competitive edge to make it.

  20. Sean C. says:

    I’m going with Graham for his skills.

  21. Dana Esker says:

    My vote is for Graham….he’s the smartest!

  22. Nicole Vosburgh says:

    My vote is for Graham! He’s adventurous, determined, and full of traveling skills!

  23. Seth Oyer says:


  24. Amie Todhunter says:

    I have voted for leron because I think he is doing well in the Challanges and he when he was on the Ireland I loved his connection to all his fans. He was always taking amazing photos to. He seems really nice 🙂

  25. Eric W says:

    Brittany.. she’s got three wins and she’s ruthless!