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Sony Pictures Moving Forward With New JUMP STREET Film, No Director(s) Currently Attached

In a summer that featured fighting robots, talking trees, giant monsters, mutants, animated dragons, hyper-intelligent apes and martial arts mastering turtles, one of the season’s most imaginative films was a sequel to a reboot of an ’80s TV series that no one asked for. Phil Lord Christopher Miller’s highly well received R-rated action comedy, 22 Jump Street was critically praised across the board and raked in over $300 million at the box office on a modest $65 million budget. Of course, with a grand total like that, there was little doubt there’d be another sequel, and that’s the news we have for you today thanks to Deadline Hollywood.

According to the outlet, Sony and Original Film have begun the script process on a third film in the franchise with 22 Jump Street writer Rodney Rothman. However, while Lord and Miller are attached as producers and will oversee the story, there’s currently no word on whether or not they are going to return to direct the new film. That said, Deadline does state that if the duo want the job, it’s theirs.

Currently, Rothman’s working with Lord and Miller at Fox on a reboot of The Greatest American Hero, so clearly the team likes working with one another. The only question left to ask is whether or not the trio has a third Jump Street adventure in them. Based on the end credits montage of the last film, the potential Schmidt and Jenko scenarios seems endless — well, until space, that is. Things kind of jump the shark at that point…




Do you want to see a 23 Jump Street? Let us know in the comments below.

[HT: Deadline, FirstShowing]



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  1. cuponkzombies22 says:

    New cast, or even better bring together the original 80’s cast and have them reprise their roles as older members, with some unknown actors as the new members of jump street, and also focus on the whole team, not just two guys

    • Doddy Bigital says:

      You… realize they did that in the first movie, right?

      As to your second point… why screw with what works? 21 and 22 Jump Street were the rare sorts of comedies that truly, legitimately merit sequels.