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SON OF ZORN Gives Us a Barbarian at Home in the Suburbs

For all of you Barbarians out there who’ve ever had to get an office job and then needed to shout, “By the fiery horde of Hrothgar the Merciless, you will pay for stealing my Hot Pocket!” Or, for all of you regular folks who’ve had to spend time with an animated warrior at a place of business or at home, there is now a show that speaks directly to your very specific, very narrow slice of the Venn Diagram of life… Son of Zorn! From The Last Man on Earth/LEGO Movie helmers Phil Lord and Chris Miller, Son of Zorn mixes animation and live action in a way only the pair behind The LEGO Movie could manage.

Jason Sudeikis plays Zorn, the cartoon warrior—reminiscent of He-Man or Conan—who returns to Orange County after a bloody ten year war to reunite with his estranged wife Edie (Cheryl Hines) and son Alangulon (Johnny Pemberton). He very quickly learns that life in Southern California is not the same as life in an animated mythical realm full of monsters and the like. (You’re also super not supposed to bring edged weapons to a public restaurant space. Just FYI.) Adding a wrinkle is Edie’s new boyfriend (Tim Meadows) a spectacularly regular dude.

The trailer looks like it does what the pair have always done best: combining very specific and subdued modern comedy to a very high concept scenario. The Last Man on Earth did it with the post-apocalypse, and they’re doing it again here. It looks like a great mixture of Archer, Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law, and a harder-edged Modern Family. You know you’re in for something extra weird when a giant falcon is hacked to pieces in the promo.

Son of Zorn will probably premiere this fall. Is this a show you’ll be watching? Let us know your first impressions in the comments below!

Image: Fox

Kyle Anderson is the Associate Editor for Nerdist. Follow him on Twitter!

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