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Some Down Time With the Daleks

We know now, courtesy of the BBC and Steven Moffat, that (SPOILER ALERT! SPOILER ALERT! SPOILER ALERT!) (TOO LATE) the Daleks will be making a return appearance on Doctor Who this season. But what have they been doing with themselves during their time off? Peter Serafinowicz knows, and he revealed all this weekend on BBC 6Music:

Aaahhhhh. It’s like a spa treatment. A very unfortunate spa treatment.

HT: Chris Hardwick

WITHNAIL & I Gets a Hi-Def Restoration Trailer

WITHNAIL & I Gets a Hi-Def Restoration Trailer

Best Sitcom Performance In Television History, or The Value of Underacting

Best Sitcom Performance In Television History, or The Value of Underacting

4 KIDS WALK INTO A BANK is Wes Anderson Meets RESERVOIR DOGS (Exclusive)

4 KIDS WALK INTO A BANK is Wes Anderson Meets RESERVOIR DOGS (Exclusive)



  1. Just fantastic! Made my day.

  2. three toes of fury says:
