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So, “Community” Got Renewed, but…

Good news: Community got renewed by NBC, as did 30 Rock.

Nerve-wracking news: The orders are for 13 episodes, half a season. We know 30 Rock will end after those 13 episodes. Community? Parks and Rec? No word on how this will play out, but there are plenty of as-yet-unconfirmed rumors that this constitutes a way to ease all of the shows into cancellation next year. So don’t stop praying yet, because this isn’t quite #sixseasonsandamovie news.

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Best Picture: THE GREAT ZIEGFELD (1936)



  1. faultylogic says:

    I’ve felt that Community has been screwed in that time slot. They’re against Big Bang, which is largely the same demographic. Then balance that with fact that CBS doesn’t post their shows online, so Community viewership is online. Why don’t they let go of Thursday night? Tuesday nights suck. The first hour of Wednesday nights have nothing. They can make it work.

  2. Mike says:

    Look I don’t like Whitney but lets be honest its ratings are the same as Community, if not a bit better.

  3. Chris Dortch says:

    When these 13 episodes are over NBC will have effectively removed EVERY SINGLE BIT of their programming that I care about and I know i’m far from the only one. Their Thursday numbers are really gonna suck once Whitney and Leno are the dogs and ponies they have to trot out.

  4. MrRaffle says:

    TBS saved cougar town, hopefully someone could step in and save Community?

    NBC has to be stopped with their ‘ending great shows prematurely’ nonsense, I’ve already lost Chuck, and while the fifth series was great, as only 13 episodes it felt rushed and underdeveloped. It wouldn’t be fair for that to happen to Community too (or for Parks at that matter)

  5. toonsmyth says:

    NBC has become the new ABC when it comes to sitcoms. They just flood the airwaves with anything and everything, and if it doesn’t INSTANTLY become the next Seinfeld or Friends, they give it the ax after 2 seasons. They keep it on the air JUST long enough to develop a following, with no consideration to the viewer, it’s all about the bottom line. Is it marketable? Does it generate viral videos? Can we create more ad revenue from it? That’s all the networks care about. Raargh Aaargh Nyaargh! Rant rant rant! Ugh. Now I’m tired.

  6. The only way this is good news it that the other half of the season will be spent making the community movie, then follow with the remaining 2 and a half seasons…. that’s #sixseasonsandamovie news

  7. Hey, he has the “Dos Mundos” Spanish book.

  8. I feel y’all’s pain. My Ponies are in the same boat.

    Also, Community’s a great show. I yearn for more.

  9. Banana says:

    I guess the dumber American gets the dumber the shows on t.v. get. Oh well, back to my tree I go.

  10. Lakeisha says:

    Dear Newborn Baby Jesus,
    Don’t let NBC make another primetime Jay Leno show… Clearly they are confused!!!… Please and Thank u

  11. Amin says:

    Bastards… Might as well create an hour of exclusive programming on Thursday nights where they show Leno lubing his cars.