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Smell Your Favorite Movies with This Scratch-and-Sniff Book

Think back to your favorite movie, what were the best parts? A certain scene that you saw, a song you heard? What about the smells? If you close your eyes, can you smell the tots from Napoleon Dynamite? What about the Doritos from Wayne’s World? If your favorite movie didn’t cover all the bases, not to worry, a new book will take you to that fourth dimension to tickle your olfactory senses.

Palatable Pictures: an Eating in the Movies Scratch and Sniff is a new—wait for it—scratch-and-sniff book from publisher Belly Kids that brings your favorite movie scenes to aromatic life. One whiff and you’re sure to be transported into classic scenes, and I mean that for better or worse. The full color book features 11 different smells from iconic films. Imagine the malodorous ocean scent of the lobster scene from Annie Hall, or the heavenly aroma of Kevin’s lovely cheese pizza in Home Alone.

This book will bring you back to those famous scenes, some of which you can’t even image how they’d smell—and others you maybe never wanted to, like the monkey brains in Indiana Jones. What about the pie contest from Stand By Me? Would it be the sweet scent of fresh blueberry pies…or the alternative? I shudder to think. You’ll have to scratch and sniff for yourself to find out.

The book features classics like Pulp Fiction, Stand By Me, Napoleon Dynamite, Ponyo, Wayne’s World, The Grand Budapest Hotel, Annie Hall, with designs and illustrations from Dominic Kesterton, James Clapham, Rosie Brand, Henry Kaye, Michael Driver, Anu Ambasana, Daisy Wallander and more.

Check our images in the gallery and pre-order this scratch and sniff cult movie book online at

Will you be scratching and sniffing away at your favorite movies? Let us know in the comments!

HT: Gizmodo
IMAGES: Belly Kids


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