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Sink Your Teeth Into a Copy of THE SNACKING DEAD

Let’s say you’re in the middle of the zombie apocalypse. It’s dangerous, it’s smelly, the world is in complete disrepair, and there are undead ghouls attempting to gnaw your face off at every turn. That’s no reason you can’t eat delicious snacks! What if you have people over? You can’t be a bad host just because a zombie’s beating down the door. It is with this idea in mind that D.B. Walker gives us The Snacking Dead.

Snacking DeadIn this parody cookbook from the creators of the equally hilarious and helpful Fifty Shades of Chicken, we follow Pam Beaumont, a woman trying to fend off the hordes of infected dead while still being able to make scrumptious treats for the living. It’s a full-time job. As she tries to teach us to make gourmet foods in the lawless stench of the End of Days, we learn about her love for Daryl, a yokel with a crossbow who probably wouldn’t get a girlfriend in any other scenario. It’s a tale as old as time.

In The Snacking Dead, available now on Amazon, you’ll learn how to make apocalypse-centric cuisine like Sweetish Fleshballs, Nachos of the Living Dead, Elbows Casserole, Dire Ham Biscuits, and Gratuitous Violence Jello Mold, all of which are guaranteed to put a little bite into your menu and spice up all those canned and non-perishable foods you’ve been eating for months.

We think you’ll really enjoy these decaying delicacies, and that’s why we’re giving away a copy of The Snacking Dead to help at least one of you survive the onslaught. All you need to do to enter is click on this link and fill out the appropriate information. Then, if you want to really make a go of it, tell us you’ve entered on our Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ pages and you’ll get extra entries. You’ll need all the help you can get when the walkers start a-walkin’. You’ve only got until Thursday, October 17th, 2013 to enter. That’s not the day the world ends, but if you miss out on a chance to win this year’s finest parody cookbook, it may as well be.

Snaking dead

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  1. Cherie L says:

    love to see this as a You Tube cooking show on the Nerdist Channel!