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Simone Giertz’s Latest Invention: A Robot That Spills Soup All Over Her

What’s the best way to get over your irrational fear of pumpkin soup? Build a one-of-a-kind machine that force feeds it to you. Obviously. But when you’re the queen of making the world’s cruddiest robots, that approach opens up a whole new gourd of very messy—and very funny—problems.

In the latest from Simone Giertz, the engineer who is the greatest at being the worst, she prepared herself some homemade workbench-made pumpkin soup (no thanks to this useless thing), which she has hated since she was forced to eat it as a kid. And since she has no appetite for it, she built a robot to serve her the soup. Spoiler alert: the robot was very bad at delivering soup, but very good at making us laugh. In fact, this might be the most hilarious video she’s made yet, and that’s saying something.

“The soup robot is as if the beer robot got the breakfast machine really drunk and then they had a child.” Forget designing a crappy robot, that’s a better pitch than half the movies that get made in Hollywood.

As always, what makes her videos so great is that her terrible machines require some real engineering skills. This one even looked like it had a chance to work, and minus the whole “throwing scalding hot soup all over you” thing, it technically did work.

So maybe this robot isn’t so bad after all. But we definitely wouldn’t recommend it if you’re afraid of making a mess. It’s not as good for that.

Where does this rank among your favorite crappy robots she has made? Use your computer machine and let us know yours in the comments section below.

Images: Simone Giertz

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