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Shia LaBeouf is Watching All His Movies Right Now (and You Can Join Him)

Shia LaBeouf is getting super meta—weird for him!—in his latest art project: at this very moment, the actor is holed up in The Angelika Film Center (at 18 West Houston Street in New York City), where he is watching all of his movies in reverse chronological order. The best part is that if you happen to be in the area, you can sit in the theater with him and watch his films for the next three days straight.

The event is also being streamed online—although the site appears to be down at the moment—so you can still watch Shia watch Shia from afar. The video feed is of LaBeouf’s face, so you will literally only be watching Shia watch Shia. If you’re wearing a Transformers shirt and have The Even Stevens Movie playing in the background, you can wear Shia and hear Shia while you watch Shia watch Shia. The recursive possibilities are endless.

“From noon on 10th November 2015, #ALLMYMOVIES by LaBeouf, Rönkkö & Turner will commence at the Angelika Film Center, 18 West Houston Street, NYC,” the website states. “Visitors are invited to join Shia LaBeouf in person as he watches all his movies consecutively in reverse chronological order over the next three days, 24 hours a day (admission free). At the same time, a live stream will continuously broadcast the performance above.”

The video doesn’t seem to have audio, although as one person speculated, that may only be for the screening of Man Down, LaBeouf’s most recent movie that has not yet had a theatrical release.

Let us know in the comments what your favorite Shia LaBeouf movie is (and if you manage to access the livestream).

HT: Vulture
Image Credit: Rob Cantor/YouTube

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