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Episode 62: Sex Nerd Sandra
Roleplay Pervertibles

Sex Nerd Sandra #62: Roleplay Pervertibles

SPANKING POWDER, SEA MONKEYS & ROLEPLAY PARTY GAMES! Emily Prior & Tim Woodman join Sandra & Dave to discuss the beautiful freshness of what roleplay can bring to a relationship. TOPICS: Sexual Minorities, Fetishism, In-N-Out Burger, Teenage Makeouts, Improv Applications, School Yard Rules, Super Mario, “Let’s Pretend,” Power Dynamics, Watermelons, Partner Worship, and a game you just MUST play with your friends!
Tim Woodman works in Adult films, producing directing and performing in fetish/fantasy/BDSM videos. He runs his own websites and as well as appearing in numerous other kink-themed websites and studios. He teaches a variety of classes including rope bondage workshops and fantasy roleplay workshops in the Los Angeles area.
Emily Prior is the Director of the Center for Positive Sexuality. She holds an interdisciplinary Master’s Degree and teaches about human sexuality at several Los Angeles colleges and universities. Emily also hosts her alternative sexuality webcast “Is This Normal?,” which can be found on YouTube: More information on her schedule and workshops can be found at
Join Sandra for some fun at NerdMelt Thursday, October 11th at Sex Nerds Unite! A Crowdsourced Sex Ed Show. Grab tickets HERE! And RSVP at our Facebook Event!
Follow @DaveToTheRoss and @SexNerdSandra on Twitter! And visit Sex Nerd Sandra’s website for more sexy nerdiness!
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  1. Kelsey says:

    There’s also the fact that the neurological receptors for genitals and feet are right next to each other in our brain pathways. Look it up, it’s cool science.

  2. response to curtis : yep

  3. Curtis says:

    I have an idea as to why shoes are such a popular fetish and it really comes down to fashion. Women’s high heels, for example, are designed to make a woman’s legs look longer and, as a side effect, make her ass look better. Because of these types of things shoes have become associated with sex. It’s become something that’s been ingrained into our society as a sexual so, as with anything remotely sexual, some people will fetishize it more than others will.