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Episode 54: Sex Nerd Sandra
Sexual Shame and Healing

Sex Nerd Sandra #54: Sexual Shame and Healing

HANGOVER SEX, METACOGNITION and MASCULINITY! Sandra & Dave stop over in San Francisco to chat it up with sex educator & blogger Charlie Glickman! TOPICS: Sexual Shame’s Many Emotions, Good Shame, Attunement, Post-Coital Guilt, Recognizing & Healing Triggers, Anal Play, Gender Boxing, Inconvenient Penile Functioning, and Dave Wages a War on the Man Box! ALSO: How AROUSAL effects our mental abilities. Neat!

Check out Charlie’s website and follow @charlieglickman on Twitter!

Follow @DaveToTheRoss and @SexNerdSandra on Twitter! And visit Sex Nerd Sandra’s website for more sexy nerdiness!

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  1. Wendy says:

    This is the episode that I am going to use to get my magnificent man-dude-guy hooked on your show. What an awesome, informative chat! He is all about getting out of the man box but he only really has me to talk about it with.

  2. Shane says:

    Excellent episode, I felt this need to listen and was not dissapointed (why would I be?). “Is it worth the hangover” I really like that and will try to apply it in the future.

  3. Jimmy says:

    There was an interesting dynamic in this podcast around the 25 minute mark. Sandra is cracking the jokes and Dave is asking the super serious questions. Complete role reversal, awesome. Love the way this podcast continues to develop and the diverse topics it covers.