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Episode 103: Sex Nerd Sandra
Hot Sex & Pregnancy

Sex Nerd Sandra #103: Hot Sex & Pregnancy

EPIC CONCEPTION STORY! Sex educators Jamye Waxman and Mistress Mary share the social, sexual and physical transformations of being first-time Moms in the making.

TOPICS: Naked Kitchen Moment, “Geriatric” pregnancy, Friendships, Feeling Sexy, Boobs!, New Orgasms, Pregnancy Brain, Prioritizing Sex, Genital Changes, Sensitivity Intensity, Positions, New Partner Intimacy, Belly Rubs, Fear of Vaginal Changes, How They Knew, Masturbation, and Vibrators… and Sandra has a series of freak outs.


Jamye Waxman is currently the sex educator for Lovers, A Touch of Romance and Condom Revolution. She is also the CGO of, a website devoted to sexual pleasure, health and orgasms.


In addition to being a sex writer, author, blogger, video host, producer and director, Jamye Waxman, M.Ed., is a well-known and sought after educator and lecturer in the field of human sexuality and relationships.  Jamye utilizes her Masters in Sex Education from Widener University and her recent SFSI certification to discuss pleasure, sex education and how people relate to each other, both in love and in life.


She is currently working on her MA in Counseling Psychology at Santa Clara University and researching/writing a book on dating, sex and relationships.


Mistress Mary Typhus is a sex educator at the Pleasure Chest Los Angeles. Though now retired, she has over 10 years of dominatrix experience.

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  1. Shane says:

    I encourage adults to continue to enjoy and explore their sexuality after having children, buuuuut I want them to understand the effects this can have on their children. Regardless of your marital status when your child reaches high school/college age, try to tone it down around their male friends and boyfriends. This will make your male and female kids’ lives FAR less awkward at such a weird age.

  2. Scott Zapper says:

    loved that podcast gave me an insight into something that I will never experience

    also love your expression there

  3. Vincent S says:

    I haven’t listened in a while but congrats to both Mary and Jamye on their pregnancies.