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Seth Meyers’ Aaron Sorkin Parody Sketch Out-Sorkins All the Other Sorkin Sketches

Now here’s a bit o’ meta for you: Late Night with Seth Meyers did an Aaron Sorkin parody of every other Aaron Sorkin parody of Aaron Sorkin’s shows and trademark Sorkinese, and it even had a lil Aaron Sorkin cameo in it to boot! Sorkin thing is Sorkin-y, folks.

It’s a parody within a parody of other parodies! Hello, you and your irony. Have a seat at the big kids’ table. From The West Wing, to walk-and-talking, to inter-office romance, Sports Night and Studio 60, and grandstanding speeches from angry-ish stubborn men, no Sorkin-y Sorkin thing was left unskewered. Heck, they even managed to poke fun at one of the best-ever Sorkin bits, the 30 Rock episode that featured Aaron Sorkin himself, running around the halls of the very building this show is also in, chatting up Liz Lemon (Tina Fey) on the perils of the TV business — how’s that for taking it to the streets, eh? Put that in your teleprompter and report it, Will McAvoy from The Newsroom.

There are so many parodies of Sorkin — to say nothing of his own parodies of himself — that it’s really a challenge to try and find something new in that overused bit of cloth, but the writers at Late Night managed it, well done! We only wish someone had found a way to throw in a quick “gather ye rosebuds!” in there because that’s one of our personal favorites on the Sorkin Bingo Card. Maybe a little “it’s time to let Sorkin be Sorkin” to bring it all back around to the best fake president there ever was, Jed Bartlet. Next time!

What’s your favorite Aaron Sorkin parody? We’re personally really big fans of The West Wing-ized episode of Parks and Recreation that featured Bradley “DONNA!” Whitford — let us know your choice in the comments.

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