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SERENITY and AVATAR: THE LAST AIRBENDER Adult Coloring Books on the Way

There’s nothing that gives someone quite as big a feeling of accomplishment in this busy world than to sit and binge-watch an entire series of something you’ve been meaning to get to forever. It’s like you ran a race or discovered buried treasure. Why do you think re-watches are so popular? Netflix makes us all feel like champions. But what do you do while you’re watching if you don’t want to be on your phone or laptop (since nobody can just watch TV anymore)? What if you had adult coloring books of the shows you’re watching, like Firefly or Avatar?

Dark Horse is attempting to scratch that particular itch with a new range of adult coloring books debuting this fall. They’re already purveyors of fine comic books and graphic novels, so why not let people at home act as the colorist? The first books will come out this October and will be based on two beloved titles: Avatar: The Last Airbender, and Serenity.

In the Avatar: The Last Airbender coloring book, fans will be able to explore key scenes from the popular Nickelodeon series in new black-and-white art by artist Jed Henry and produced in collaborationte DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko. And it’s your world now, so if you want to make that arrow on top of Aang’s chrome dome bright on with creators Michael Darange instead of blue, that’s well within your power. You can be a color bender!

If traveling the ‘verse is more your speed, then you ought grab that young, fresh Serenity coloring book, where you’ll be able to go on an adventure with Malcolm Reynolds and the rest of the crew and put your own stamp on the scenes and moments you love with all your heart. Think everybody wears too much brown? Find yourself an aqua crayon or colored pencil (colored pencil is the correct answer) and go to town. Or to market or wherever.

October 5, 2016, is the day these books will become self-aware so add them to your wishlists now. And look out for more coloring book announcements from Dark Horse in the coming months. Check out the covers of the two announced books in the gallery below!

Images: Dark Horse

Kyle Anderson is the associate editor for Nerdist and an adult who colors. Follow him on Twitter!


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