When your television show is based around four characters played by the same actor that are actual clones — and not just in the metaphorical sense, like on, say, The Hills — it can be hard to keep track of whose storylines are what. And after a walloper of a wait for the second season return of BBC America’s Orphan Black, it’s nice to get a bit of a walk-up on where that specific clone was, and will be going, heading into the April 19th premiere. But BBC America loves ya, clone club, so they’ve done just that.
Diving deep into the personalities and tribulations of each clone — soccer mom Alison Hendrix, science geek Cosima Niehaus, punk rock grifter Sarah Manning, and newly revealed pro-clone Rachel Duncan (click here for details on the new clone) — the clips feature both the actress responsible for all of these incarnations, the amazing Tatiana Maslany, and co-creators John Fawcett and Graeme Manson, giving us some of their myriad insights into this sisterhood like no other. But don’t just take our word for it: dive in and take a peek! You’ll be glad you did.
OK, who else is ready for the return of Orphan Black? If so, let’s play a game in the comments: tell us the name and identity of your ideal clone. (Our clone would be Kylie Kurtz, a melodramatic hippie artist living in a commune in New Mexico with a penchant for breaking into song at a moment’s notice. Oh and she makes a mean banana bread.)
I can’t wait!
my clone would be Lucas Paul an actor/musician who starts a charter for familys of people on the Autism Spectrum. also he suffers from Phobaphobia( the fear of fear)