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See the How Behind the Wow in this GAME OF THRONES VFX Reel

Game of Thrones season 5 left us shocked and amazed. Then again, so did seasons 4, 3, 2, and 1. This season’s finale alone left many of us wondering what we are going to do with ourselves as people! (You can read Alicia Lutes‘ recap of the finale here.)

Now, we could sing the praises of the world of Westeros all day, but let’s try and keep focused here. The following video, presented by Mackevision, focuses on the visual effects seen during season 5. This particular video mostly focuses on Arya’s journeys. There is, however, one major scene involving Cersei in here as well. (If you’seen the finale, you know what we’re talking about. If not, well, what are you doing here? Go watch the finale right meow!

It’s amazing what people can achieve today. VFX artists are just that, artists. They can make any location they want and with hard work make it as real as the chair you are sitting in. I’m not sure what is more impressive, making the world of Game of Thrones look that real, or the ability to dream up what you want that world to look like. Knowing what every detail of every street in King’s Landing is supposed to look like is the definition of talent.

You can check out more of Mackevision’s videos on their Vimeo channel here.

HT: SlashFilm

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