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See How GAME OF THRONES Made its Wight Polar Bears

Warning: The following post contains spoilers for the Game of Thrones episode “Beyond the Wall.” Continue at your own risk!

Considering how big a part of Game of Thrones is its display of otherworldly magic, it’s always interesting to check out behind-the-scenes clips that shed light on its more mystifying shots and effects. And while there’s a boatload of CGI in the episode “Beyond the Wall,” practical effects were pivotal in creating some of the episode’s most memorable supernatural moments.

The “Frozen Lake” featurette delves deep into how some of the most epic shots in the episode were achieved. Some scenes were filmed in Iceland to get the feel for the journey beyond the wall and into a veritable no-man’s-land.

Others, involving a certain undead polar bear, were accomplished by combining practical stunts coordinated and performed out in the elements in Iceland.

Those scenes were then composited with CGI and what we can only describe as the best damn on-fire polar bear puppeteering job we’ve ever seen.
Still, the most impressive part of the episode’s effects was how they created the frozen lake and made it safe enough for the cast and hundreds of extras to run atop. To do so, they painstakingly recreated some scenery to match the Iceland footage, dressed the set to look like the winter wonderland of Wildling territory, and literally paved over a quarry in Belfast.

With the size and scope of a set like that (and the fire zombie bear puppet) it’s almost forgivable that this season’s ravens are faster than texting, Dany and her dragons can seemingly teleport, and the Night King somehow just had gigantic dragon-dragging chains.

What’s your favorite effect from this season? Ain’t it cool that Beric and Thoros‘ swords are actually on fire? Let’s discuss in the comments below!


Images: HBO

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