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SECRET SIX Returns in December with Writer Gail Simone

Catman is back!

DC’s also-ran supervillain is coming back along with a new iteration of the Secret Six this December with writer Gail Simone. While the lineup of the new team is being kept, well, secret, we do know that Simone’s co-creation, Black Alice will also be a part of the team when it joins the New 52.

Simone, speaking to Hero Complex, described the team as being made up of “private detectives, mercenaries, bounty hunters, [and] failed heroes.” That’s not too far off from the Simone’s previous take on the team, which was kind of a villains for hire outfit. Instead of bringing together a group of villains to do some dirt, Simone says the new series will seeing the would-be teammates from different walks of life waking up in a room together with no memory of how they got there. And according to Simone, they instantly take a disliking to one another.


Describing the book as the Twin Peaks of the DCU, the Six will have to answer one question: What is the secret? Is it that we want Ragdoll on the team? Because that would be great.

As for the rest of the lineup, the cover by Justice Society of America artist Dale Eaglesham teases some new characters, with Black Alice and Catman’s mask offering the only familiar points here. Catman will be at the center of the series (with a new design from Eaglesham) and none too happy after spending some time locked up by an unnamed Gotham City figure. Superman: Doomed cover artist Ken Lashley will provide the interiors for the new Secret Six when it launches.

[HT: Hero Complex]

Image: DC Entertainment

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  1. Sean says:

    Looks like a Talon on the right side…