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A SECRET OF MANA Remake is Coming in 2018

The original Secret of Mana for the Super Nintendo is such a highly regarded role playing game that it’s one of the 21 titles included in the upcoming SNES Classic Edition. But you won’t have to battle the crowds to get your hands on Secret of Mana. Earlier this week, Square Enix revealed that a 3D remake of Secret of Mana is not only in development, it’s coming next year!

The announcement trailer didn’t show off much in the way of gameplay footage, but the updated graphics do seem to recapture the flavor and style of the original. Randi, Primm, and Popoi are all recognizable and yet modern enough for today’s gamers. The trailer also depicts Randi as he pulls a sword from the stone, which is a moment from the original game that will prove to have major consequences for both Randi and his world.

Additionally, Square Enix revealed a few screenshots of the remake, which appears to retain the top down view of the original game. Amusingly, the map in the top right of the screen actually resembles the SNES version of the game! It also provides an interesting contrast between the old graphics and the new.

The Secret of Mana remake will be released on Playstation 4, Playstation Vita, and Steam on February 15, 2018. Fans who pre-order the game will get the moogle and tiger costumes for Randi, Primm, and Popoi; which were briefly glimpsed in the announcement trailer.

Are you excited about the chance to revisit Secret of Mana with updated graphics and gameplay? Share your thoughts in the comment section below!

Images: Square Enix

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