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SCREAM QUEENS Recap: Chanel Pour Homme-icide

SCREAM QUEENS Recap: Chanel Pour Homme-icide

Editor’s Note: This post contains spoilers for Scream Queens. Proceed with caution if you’re not caught up.

Just in case you forgot where the previous episode of Scream Queens left off (because you know… it’s been a month), let me get you caught up. The last time we saw the Chanels was also the last time we might be seeing Denise Hemphill kicking butt. Despite her expert Quantico training, she was knocked out by the Green Meanie and left for dead. Of course, that’s not all. The body count has been pretty high this season with Chad Radwell at the top of the heap. Fresh out of prison (kinda) Hester is now a resident at the C.U.R.E Institute thanks to Denise and Munsch’s plan to get more information it of her regarding the new killer. A lot more went down this week, so let’s get started.

At the top of the episode, we picked up moments after No. 5 and Denise were attacked. While Chanel was busy telling No. 5 to stop trying to be the center of attention, Munsch was planning the swamp-disposal of Denise’s body—having a dead FBI agent probably wouldn’t be great for the Institute. But just as we expected and hoped, Denise was actually still alive. Munsch’s next decision? Stow her in the cryogenic chamber (that Munsch paid for with Chad’s inheritance) for the time being!

Unfortunately, that’s the last we saw of Denise, but that’s okay because there’s a lot to celebrate this week. For starters, the Hamilton Halloween Massacre of 2016 got the hospital a lot of publicity, which obviously meant that it was busy. Folks with difficult disabilities (like switching between accents at random) and deformities are apparently willing to put their lives on the line, if it means they will be normal one day.

Speaking of the accent issue, one of the featured patients this week was plagued with it. When she came in looking for help, Doctor Holt diagnosed it as foreign language syndrome. While he was busy trying to figure out what caused it, he, No. 3, and Doctor Cascade all came down with a similar dilemma. For the remainder of the episode, the trio hilariously switched between accents before they finally landed on British. They did however come up with a cure for the woman: give her steroids to reduce the swelling in her brain. It’s unclear whether it worked out for her, but if it did, she’ll probably be next on Green Meanie’s list.

As for the other patients, Chanel and her squad had plans for a few of them. With the hospital as busy as it is, and Chanel No. 5 basically immobile, the Chanels were swamped with work they totally did not want to do. When adding new recruits to their fake doctor squad seemed impossible, they decided to look within for a new batch of Chanels. Thus Chanels 7 and 8 were born (oh, and the fabulous honorary male member, Chanel Pour Homme)! The squad added two new patient pledges, which obviously called for a makeover scene. As an added bonus, the girls now had two targets for the Green Meanie to attack instead of themselves.

There was also a sleepover held at the creepy hospital. But before that, the group had to find another member to add to the list. Luckily, with Hester a new patient, she was available and willing to lend her serial killer knowledge to the cause. Of course, she probably has a plot or two up her psychotic sleeves, and a hidden agenda, but for now she was what the Chanels needed.

Unsurprisingly, the slumber party turned fatal when one of their recruits unknowingly thwarted the Chanels’ plan to offer her as a sacrifice so the Green Meanie so that he/she would leave them alone. The plan backfired when everyone’s (except No. 5’s) new favorite character Tristan wound up dead instead. Ah Chanel Pour Homme, we barely knew thee.

As per usual, Zayday spent the majority of the episode actually investigating the Green Meanie’s identity. Her first guess regarding the baby in the belly of the woman who lost her husband earlier was Chamberlain, which only intensified when Munsch told  told her the hospital didn’t actually have a candy striper. Rather, he was a man who came in off the streets to be nice to everyone without looking insane.

With Chanel No. 5 free for anything, she tagged along with Zayday to check out the house of the woman whose husband was murdered and thrown into the swamp all those years ago. After visiting her, Chamberlain is still on the list as a possible suspect. On top of that, they learned an important fact: the woman’s baby was a boy. A-ha! There are plenty of men who are still alive, so the quote seems promising.

After the Chanels were joined by three more recruits (thanks, Dean Munsch), one of whom died at the hands of the Green Meanie, the identity of the baby was finally revealed! As most were already suspecting, Taylor Lautner’s character Doctor Cascade was in cahoots with the former pregnant widow. We can’t wait to see where this is headed!

What did you think of this week’s episode? Let us know in the comments

Images: Fox

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