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Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo Will Reunite for BATMAN-Centric DC Event

Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo Will Reunite for BATMAN-Centric DC Event

It’s time for your weekend edition of Comics Relief, where we are still unpacking news coming out of this year’s New York Comic Con. And our first story today should make fans of Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo’s epic run on Batman very, very pleased. Read on for all the details!

Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo to Reunite For Big DC Comics Event in 2017

Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo’s 50-issue run on the New 52-era Batman was one of the most celebrated runs of the character’s 75-year history, and now it seems the pair are reuniting once again in the not-too-distant future. While speaking to Newsarama at NYCC, Snyder said the two will work together on a 2017 DC summer crossover event that’s got Batman square in the spotlight. He added, “Yes, we’re gonna be doing a big summer event, next year, next summer. It will be very Batman centric, and very rock ‘n’ roll.” That’s all the details we have so far, but those two working together on anything is cause for celebration. [Newsarama]

What is Marvel’s ResurrXion?

Marvel has dropped a teaser which seems tied to their X-Men and Inhumans franchises. The image, which doesn’t have any creator named attached at all, just says the word “ResurrXion” and indicates that more info will arrive next week. With so many dead mutants and Inhumans in Marvel’s universe, this whole resurrection could be talking about pretty much anyone. You can see the teaser image above. [Bleeding Cool]

Power Rangers and the Justice League to Team Up in January

For some reason this wasn’t announced at NYCC, despite being rumored, but now it’s official: DC Comics and BOOM! Studios are teaming up the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers with the Justice League in a six issue min-series in January. This follows up the previous Gotham Academy/Lumberjanes comic and their upcoming Green Lantern On The Planet of The Apes. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Justice League is being written by Injustice: Gods Among Us writer Tom Taylor and drawn by Green Arrow artist Stephen Byrne.

Here’s the official description:

“Something terrible has happened in Angel Grove when the Power Rangers’ Command Center is breached and the teleporters are damaged! Zack the Black Ranger is flung into an alternate universe full of citizens possessing outrageous powers and wearing strange costumes. Will Jason the Red Ranger, Trini the Yellow Ranger, Kimberly the Pink Ranger, Billy the Blue Ranger and Tommy the Green Ranger be able to get to Zack in time to save him from Batman?”

The first issue of the series hits on January 11, 2017. For more info, check out our full story on the subject by click here: [Nerdist]

Original Thunderbolts Creative Team Reunite for 20th Anniversary

It’s been 20 years since the Avengers villains team known as the Masters of Evil decided to switch sides, become heroes, and change their names to the Thunderbolts. Now the current Thunderbolts creative team, Jim Zub and Jon Malin, is going to be joined by the team’s original creators, Kurt Busiek and Mark Bagley, for Thunderbolts #10 in February.

This issue will begin the “Return of the Masters” storyline, where the current creative team promises the Thunderbolts will revisit their own history as the Masters of Evil after a mysterious old villain makes an unwelcome return. You can see cover art for the issue #10 above. [Comic Book]

Lions Forge Comics Creates Catalyst Prime Imprint

At NYCC, it was announced that publisher Lion Forge Comics will launch its own superhero imprint next year called Catalyst Prime, headlined by a lineup of creators that includes Christopher Priest, Joe Casey, Joe Illidge, Damion Scott, Alex DeCampi and Amy Chu. The imprint will debut in May with a one-shot written by Priest and Illidge and illustrated by Marco Turini, followed by seven titles introduced over the next seven months.

Joe Illidge said Lion Forge is committed to creating a superhero universe that “invites everyone.” He added that, “Diversity is a buzzword that has become obsolete because it’s been used for a lot of PR. Diversity should be intrinsic if you have an expanded mindset and worldview so when you’re going to creators they’re not all heterosexual, they’re not all Caucasian males. They might not all be from the United States. They’re from different industries. They have different political backgrounds. Diversity is automatic.” For more on this new line, click the following link: [CBR]

Frank Miller Wants to Return Superman to His Jewish Roots

Although readers of Frank Miller’s classic Dark Knight Returns might think he hated the Man of Steel, it’s not so, says Miller. In fact, at NYCC he said he wanted to make a comic that explores Superman’s Jewish heritage (both of his creators were Jewish).

He said, “[Superman] has a history in World War II, and I’d like to put him there again,” Miller said. “Superman needs to confront his Jewish roots, and I’d like to write that. I’d like to have him face a death camp.”

Superman was of course created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster in 1938, and many consider Superman to be a creation born out of frustration with how their Jewish cousins were being treated in Europe. The fact that Superman was created by two Jews didn’t escape Nazi attention either. In 1940, Reich Minister of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels publicly denounced Superman and Siegel. This all might be wishful thinking on Miller’s part, but one never knows, “Superman vs Nazis” could happen. It would sure get a lot of press if it did. [CBR]

Comixology Sponsors UK Thought Bubble Festival

Thought Bubble, the UK’s largest comic book festival, revealed that the biggest digital comic shopping and reading service, comiXology, will act as the major sponsor of the 10th anniversary edition of the Thought Bubble Festival. The new sponsorship brings together the UK’s biggest sequential arts festival and the leading company in the field of digital comic books together. The festival takes place in Leeds from from November 1-6. Guests include rare UK appearances from Mike Mignola, Erica Henderson, Ryan North, Kieron Gillen, Jamie McKelvie, and many more. For more details, click on the following link: [Newsarama]

Images: DC Comics / Marvel Comics / Thought Bubble / BOOM! Studios / Lions Forge

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