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Scott Rogowsky Interviews Potential Roommates on His Own Talk Show

Both the late night talk show and searching for roommates in New York City are things that could use a bit of an update. Comedian Scott Rogowsky, host of the NYC-based late night talk show Running Late with Scott Rogowsky, had the ingenious idea of combining the two and thereby giving a refreshing take on both activities. The result of this soci0-comedic experiment is a web series that Scott has appropriately entitled Rooming Late with Scott Rogowsky.

Rooming Late with Scott Rogowsky trailer

For his idea to work, Rogowsky posted a listing for an open house on Craigslist in the NYC area. Potential candidates were told that there would be a documentary crew filming the apartment as part of a profile on NYC housing. They were not told that they were going to be surprise guests on a talk show or that the interview segment was also going to be their roommate interview. Through this ploy, Scott was able to get everyone who came in properly mic’d.

On top of the surprise of getting the most topsy turvy roommate interview ever, Scott also enlisted the help of renowned comedian Gilbert Gottfried and Michael Gregory of The Gregory Brothers to heighten the tomfoolery even more. The five “guests” were surprised, but thankfully rolled with the comedic ambush pretty well. Even Andrew W.K., who wasn’t really looking to room with Scott Rogowsky and the other roommate, Trevor, stuck around to defend Times Square as a neighborhood and jam with Michael Gregory.

Scott’s talk show/roommate-search, Rooming Late just goes to show that Craigslist can be full of surprises that are pretty delightful. The permanent roommate in question, as far as we know, has yet to be picked, but you can see which one is the best with all the episodes embedded below.

Stephen from D.C.

Eli from Illinois

Anam from Brooklyn

William from Georgia

Andrew W.K. from Times Square

“Party Hard” live by Andrew W.K. feat. Michael Gregory

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First Look at Nathan Fillion on Next Week’s COMMUNITY! Shiny.

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