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Samuel L. Jackson Won’t be in CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR

When Captain America: Civil War hits theaters next year, the only Marvel Studios heroes who won’t be in it are Thor, Hulk, the Guardians of the Galaxy…and Nick Fury?!

Much to Jackson’s confusion, Nick Fury will be skipping the next adventure in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, even though he emerged from hiding in Avengers: Age of Ultron and appeared to be back in a more permanent role with the team. Considering that the storyline in Civil War is fueled by a conflict between Captain America and Iron Man, it makes even less sense to keep Fury away from that story.

“I’m not in Captain America 3,” said Jackson. “I can’t figure that out, but I’m not. I guess I’m still out there, trying to figure out what happened to S.H.I.E.L.D. and who these other people are.”

Jackson’s nine-picture deal with Marvel Studios has only two pictures left before it is finished. Presumably Marvel Studios is holding back on those remaining appearances for the two-part Avengers: Infinity War movie. However, Jackson has reiterated his desire to sign a new deal with Marvel and continue in his role through the next phase in the MCU.

“Of course [I’m interested in returning],” exclaimed Jackson. “I’m looking for a contract extension right now, yeah. I’m looking to re-up.”

There is always the possibility that Jackson could sign a new deal with Marvel, which would potentially bring Nick Fury into Civil War even if only for a few brief scenes. And it’s worth noting that Nick Fury’s comic book counterpart did play a role in Marvel’s Civil War comic book without actually appearing. Fury simply provided material support for his chosen side.

Captain America: Civil War will be released on May 6, 2016.

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HT: Collider

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