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Samuel L. Jackson Says Jedi Master Mace Windu is Still Alive

Samuel L. Jackson Says Jedi Master Mace Windu is Still Alive

Mace Windu is still alive…at least according to Samuel L. Jackson! During the Star Wars prequel trilogy, Jackson portrayed Windu as one of the most powerful Jedi Masters in the galaxy. Admittedly, the chances of Windu’s survival looked pretty bleak in Revenge of the Sith when Anakin Skywalker sliced off his hand and Darth Sidious used Force lightning to send Windu plummeting from a very tall building. But then again, we never did see a body!

Jackson shared his Mace Windu theory late last month in a video response that he posted to twitter.

Jackson made an appearance on Entertainment Weekly‘s radio show, where he expanded on his theory by saying “Jedi can fall from amazing distances. And there’s a long history of one-handed Jedi. So why not?” He added that Windu probably went into hiding like Yoda and Obi-Wan Kenobi did at the end of the third movie. Jackson also shared the fact that he told George Lucas about his theory, and he said “George is like, ‘I’m okay with that. You can be alive.'”

Of course, it’s not up to Lucas anymore, since Disney now owns Lucasfilm and Kathleen Kennedy is calling the shots for the franchise. That said, we’d be willing to bet that Dave Filoni and the Star Wars Rebels creative team would jump at the chance to use Mace Windu, especially if Jackson provided the voiceover for his character.

The real question is whether Mace Windu could possibly reappear in the live-action films. It’s far from impossible, but there’s at least a 50-plus year gap between Revenge of the Sith and The Force Awakens. So unless the rumored Obi-Wan films come together, Windu’s best chance for a comeback would probably be the in Han Solo movie. And given that Han didn’t seem to believe in the Jedi when he showed up in A New Hope, it seems unlikely that he met Master Windu.

What do you think about Jackson’s theory? And where should Mace Windu reappear? Use the Force and share your thoughts below!

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Image: Lucasfilm

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