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Rumor: Is Jena Malone Playing Robin in BATMAN V SUPERMAN: DAWN OF JUSTICE?

Editor’s note: I am vengeance. I am the night. I am Batman V. Superman: Dawn of Justice spoilers. So if you don’t want to know anything about what may or may not be in the film, stop reading now.

It looks like Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice may be going full The Dark Knight Returns after all. A local Michigan news station, WILX News 10, broke the news that the Zack Snyder-directed film will feature Jena Malone as Carrie Kelley, who will indeed be playing Robin. The character made her debut as Robin, the Girl Wonder in Frank Miller’s seminal The Dark Knight Returns, which you should really go out and read at your earliest convenience. Speculation ran wild when the Hunger Games actress posted a photo to her Instagram with the same signature red hair as the character, and now it seems that speculation was warranted after all.


Drastic times call for drastic measures.

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The story also revealed that while filming at Michigan State University, a massive fight scene between Bruce Wayne (Ben Affleck) and Lex Luthor (Jesse Eisenberg) was underway. What were they fighting about? Who’s the handsomer billionaire?

Man alive — this being leaked aside, this just seems like Warner Bros./DC’s week, huh? Earlier this week, they confirmed a slate of superhero films including Suicide Squad, Aquaman, Justice League, Wonder Woman, and more that’ll take us through 2020. Now to continue the long, arduous wait until Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice rolls out on March 25, 2016.

What do you think of Jena Malone possibly playing Robin? Let us know in the comments below or tell me on Twitter (@osteoferocious).

[HT: Yahoo UK]

Featured Image: DC Comics

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  1. johnny93 says:

    Whatever happened to waiting until the movie opens?? Why do they have to report everything? Geezuz…I HATE TMZ type news! 

  2. RedwoodCoast says:

    It seems like dc is got someone masterminding the agenda that could be surprising.   I like this casting if it is true.

  3. Patrick says:

    I don’t care who they pick as long as she has the build of a gymnast and red hair, say 2004 Shawn Johnson.

  4. Bobby says:

    Could still be barbara gordon

  5. Josh says:

    Oh good, and here I was worrying there wasn’t going to be enough characters packed into BVS.

  6. bogus reporting. he made it seem like it was news but then revealed it was based on the rumors generated from her showing on set and dying her hair.

  7. Adam says:

    Should be Ellen Page, she was awesome in Super