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Roger Corman’s FANTASTIC FOUR Gets a ‘90s-Style Trailer Remix

Josh Trank’s Fantastic Four is opening on August 7th, which means that fans will soon be able to judge the reboot for themselves. But there is one Fantastic Four movie that both Marvel and Fox are hoping everyone will forget.

Back in 1992, German film producer Bernd Eichinger quickly put together a low budget Fantastic Four film before the expiration of his previously optioned cinematic rights. B-movie king Roger Corman was hired to direct the Fantastic Four on a $1 million dollar budget.

The results were, shall we say… less than impressive. The cast gamely tried their best, and the Fantastic Four costumes actually look pretty good. But anyone who has had the misfortune to sit through the entirety of Corman’s Fantastic Four can attest that it’s a pretty terrible film. Marvel’s Avi Arad reportedly paid millions to make sure it never saw the light of day. Of course, Eichinger got to keep his cinematic rights and he even went on to produce the first two Fantastic Four movies at Fox. But Arad quietly buried Corman’s Fantastic Four by ordering all prints of it to be destroyed.

Naturally, some of the prints survived and Corman’s Fantastic Four has lived on the bootleg circuit for two decades and it even pops up online from time-to-time. Now, rather than subjecting unsuspecting comic book fans to this low budget insanity, a new trailer remix has re-imagined Corman’s film as a direct-to-video ‘90s movie, with all of the cheesiness that comes with it. It even uses  the audio from one of the trailers for Trank’s Fantastic Four.

There’s no amount of editing that could make this Fantastic Four into a good film. But this nearly two-minute trailer is at least watchable, which means that it’s a significant upgrade from the film itself!


Comic fans, what did you think about the remix of Corman’s Fantastic Four? Become the Watcher and share your opinions below!

HT: Vulture

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