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Robert Kirkman Tells Young Fan He’ll Kill Everyone on THE WALKING DEAD

Life is fleeting—and we all need to be mindful and grateful for whatever life we have. But we’re also very grateful we don’t live within The Walking Dead universe, because the likelihood of all of us dying horribly would go up about a billion percent—even if we’re the main characters, it seems. No one is safe, but a recent Q&A at Hawaii Comic-Con, creator Robert Kirkman proved he’ll probably kill everybody you love on the TV series if you let him.

The video above (shared by gives you both the Q and the A beginning at the 3:55 mark. Essentially, a young fan—with cojones to spare, it would seem—flat-out asked Kirkman for a list which characters are going to die, and the writer-producer wasted no time in saying “Rick, Carl, Michonne…” before adding “in the show, Daryl Dixon, eventually. Abraham, Rosita. Rosita’s already dead in the comics. Jesus.”

It’s likely—and probable given his sense of humor—that Kirkman was saying it as in “we all die eventually,” trollish sort of way, but after this past season finale, it definitely gave fans in attendance some pause with so many of the favorites among his listed fallen.

One name not among the list was our ol’ pal Glenn, who’s had the most infuriating fake-out deaths during The Walking Dead‘s sixth season. At the same Q&A, another fan asked if Kirkman only faked Glenn’s death to gauge fan reaction before the real thing inevitably took place.

“Definitely not,” Kirkman reassured. “When a show has been around as long as The Walking Dead has been around, it’s just a matter of trying to do things that are different,” Kirkman explained. “The thing was, Scott [Gimple] and I are always hearing, ‘Please don’t kill this character,’ Why did you kill this character,’ ‘Bring this character back.’ And we thought, ‘How would this work if a character was to die and be brought back?'” He later called it a “storytelling experiment.”

Either way, it’s pretty clear there’s no hard and fast rule for who will or won’t be biting the walker-shuffling dust in either version of the story. So, I guess just keep hoping for the best, Walking Dead fans, confident in the assertion that the best will never happen.

Let us know your thoughts on death in the undead world in the comments below!

Remember when we thought someone would die in the finale? Hahahahaha!

Image: AMC

Kyle Anderson is the Associate Editor for Nerdist. Follow him on Twitter!

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