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RISE OF THE TOMB RAIDER Gives Lara Croft a Stealth Option

The first trailer for Rise of the Tomb Raider depicted Lara Croft in therapy after the harrowing events of the Tomb Raider reboot that was released in 2013. That’s why several fans were taken aback by the Rise of the Tomb Raider demo that debuted at Gamescom 2015. “Murderiffic” was one of the terms used to describe that demo, as Lara displayed an alarming capacity for death.

As a response to that demo, Microsoft Studios and Crystal Dynamics have released a new Rise of the Tomb Raider demo that shows off Lara Croft’s stealth skills and allows her to get through the area undetected and without killing anyone!

“Some fans asked if it was possible to play through the area in a non-lethal manner,” explained Tomb Raider creative director Noah Hughes in the video posted above. “We’ve built our combat to offer as many choices as possible. And in this case, it’s possible for Lara to make her way through the area with zero kills… Of course, sometimes combat is unavoidable. But how you approach combat in Rise of the Tomb Raider is often up to you.”

The stealth option seems to be more in character with Lara’s previous depictions. And there is something satisfying in the way that she remains completely undetected by her enemies in this demo.

Rise of the Tomb Raider is hitting Xbox One and Xbox 360 on November 10 as part of Crystal Dynamic’s timed exclusive with Microsoft. Playstation 4 fans are going to have to wait until Winter 2016, while the PC version of Rise of the Tomb Raider is expected in early 2016.

Tomb Raider fans, what did you think of the latest demo? Share your thoughts in the comment section below!

HT: Polygon

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