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RiffTrax Live Prepares Holiday Skewers for SANTA AND THE ICE CREAM BUNNY

The fellas over at RiffTrax have already made the holidays their own. Mike Nelson, Kevin Murphy, and Bill Corbett set their movie-lampooning sights on the likes of wacky ’60s flicks Santa Claus Conquers the Martians and the somehow weirder Mexican outing Santa Claus (where Santa, who lives in a castle in outer space along with Merlin the Magician and the Roman god Vulcan, has to defend the spirit of Christmas from a red-guy-with-horns-and-stuff devil). Naturally, both of these made excellent additions to their regular RiffTrax Live theatrical presentations. Now, we can add another super conceptually weird Christmas movie to the slate.

On December 3, RiffTrax Live will again beam into selected cinemas nationwide for a yuletide skewering of the 1972 “film,” Santa Claus and the Ice Cream Bunny. This title conjures several images and questions. The main question is: Who or what is the Ice Cream Bunny? Also, why does the movie look like it was shot in the Mojave Desert, not at Christmastime at all? The IMDb credit for the movie lists the only writing credit to Hans Christian Andersen for the story Thumbelina. So, why? All of these questions and more will (very unlikely) be answered by Mike, Bill, and Kevin.

The riff will take place life at 8:00pm ET/7:00pm CT on December 3, and then tape-delayed for 8pm MT and 7pm PT through Fathom Events. But, if you can’t make that, it will be replayed at 7:30pm local time on December 15. This will happen in over 670 theaters nationwide, so chances are you’ll be able to go see it wherever you live. For a full list, check Fathom’s website.

Are you going to see RiffTrax complete the Santa Hat trick? What’s been your fave Live riff so far? Let us know in the comments below! And enjoy a sample of their non-Live version:

Image: R & S Film Enterprises Inc.

Kyle Anderson is the Weekend Editor and a film and TV critic for Follow him on Twitter!

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