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Ridley Scott Working on HALO Project To Be Released Later This Year

It’s time for sci-fi nerd gamers to squeal in glee. The man behind Alien and Blade Runner, Ridley Scott, is joining Microsoft for an upcoming “digital feature project” set in the Halo universe.

Ridley Scott is now officially confirmed, along with Battlestar Galactica director Sergio Mimica-Gezzan, to be working on an upcoming Halo project. Scott, as well as Scott Free TV’s president David Zucker, are set to be the project’s executive producers, while Mimica-Gezzan is on board as director. Prison Break creator Paul Scheuring has been tapped to write the project which is slated to follow the life of a surgically-enhanced super soldier who, unfortunately, isn’t Master Chief.

Expect the digital feature to use the same format as Machinima’s episodic series Forward Unto Dawn, which followed the military life of Halo 4‘s Thomas Lasky. Perhaps we’ll be greeted with other familiar Halo characters in this digital project set to release later this year.

While it may not be the big blockbuster film we were hoping for, at least we finally have official confirmation from Microsoft, after years of rampant rumors, that something is in the works. I can only hope this digital feature will garner enough interest that Microsoft will pursue a full-length feature film.

HT: The Wrap

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