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Working Fan-Made STAR WARS TIE Fighter is Big Enough to Ride In

Even the biggest supporters of the Rebellion, the Resistance, and the Jedi wouldn’t turn down a chance to take a ride in a TIE Fighter. But since we don’t have the Empire’s technology yet, one Star Wars fan has taken matters into his own hands and brought a bit of the galaxy far, far away home, by building an electric, remote-controlled 1/3rd scale model of that you can jump inside and take for a ride.

This amazing working model, that we came across at io9, was built by Allan Carver of Nova Scotia. Using electric wheelchair motors and an RC controller it can get up to six miles-per-hour, which might not be fast enough to face off against an X-Wing, but it is fast enough to be the coolest way to get around town. Because this isn’t just the world’s most impressive toy, it’s a mode of transportation you can actually sit inside of.

Made from two types of foam, Carver says he used an original ’70s Kenner TIE fighter toy to help him design the thicker wings and to get the scale right (though he did have to adjust the width so he could get it through a set of double doors), but that for the back he relied on a different, “cleaner” Kenner toy that more closely resembled what’s seen in the movies.

But even knowing how evil the Empire, First Order, and Dark Side are, if this rolled up to our house we wouldn’t hesitate to enroll in TIE Fighter flight school immediately.

What other Star Wars ship would you love to see him try building next? Fly into our comments below and let us know.

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Featured Image: Allan Carver

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