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Rick Baker Talks About Some Of His Creations Up For Auction

The legendary Rick Baker has had an amazing career in special make-up and creature effects for more than forty years and in a recent video from Tested we learn a bit of insider info on a couple of his movies in particular.

Norm from Tested got to tour PropStore’s warehouse for the Rick Baker auction coming up on May 29th and was treated to some cool behind the scenes stories about Men In Black and Men In Black II (Electric Boogaloo.) In addition to getting an up-close and personal look at one of Worms from MIB2 – which, come on, how cool is that thing!? – we also got to hear about how some things don’t always pan out, even for veterans in the business.

As it turns out, the full size “Edgar Bug” was something we never got to see in the original Men In Black and, from what we’re told, it was due to an almost literal last-minute change. Baker explains how, with so many cooks in the kitchen on big budget films, too much feedback can actually be a detriment to creature design. Especially when you consider the hours upon hours it takes to make these effects practical like big ol Edgar himself.

The biggest takeaway from this video just might be the fact that YOU CAN OWN SOME OF THESE PIECES! Sorry, caps lock got the best of me there, but when there’s a site that lets you bid on the costume for Harry from Harry and The Hendersons or the Daffy Gremlin from Gremlins 2: The New Batch, I get a bit excitable. harrygrem05232015

You can bid on the view and bid on everything up for auction right here. There’s so much cool stuff up there with the exception of the nightmare inducing creepy baby Grinch stuff.BabyGrinch

[Images: PropStore Auction]

What would you bid on from the catalog? Does anyone want to buy me the Harry costume so we can make Harry and The Hendersons: Havana Nights? Let us know in the comments below!

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The Official OCULUS Trailer and a New Poster Are Here

Best Picture: THE GREAT ZIEGFELD (1936)

Best Picture: THE GREAT ZIEGFELD (1936)


