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RICK AND MORTY’s Theme Song Gets Jazzed Up with a Postmodern Jukebox Cover

We might be stuck in the interminable period between Rick and Morty seasons with no idea of when we’ll get new episodes, but there’s reason to rejoice yet! It’s time to get schwifty again, but instead of hitting a beat on a synthesizer,we’re going old school with a squanchy version of the show’s theme song played on a jazz piano.

We came across this super snazzy little cover at LaughingSquid, and it’s performed by Scott Bradlee. If this reminds you of those great Postmodern Jukebox songs it should, because he’s the band’s founder. This great rendition of his, which includes “a little bit of ‘Get Schwifty’ thrown in for good measure,” sounds like it came right from the universe where 1920s Rick lives. (We imagine in that dimension, Jerry is an unemployed chimney sweeper.)

We’re not optimistic our local piano bar will know how to play this for us when we request it, but that doesn’t mean we’re not going to try. We love the show’s theme song, but this sounds way better than we would have imagined. Seriously, who would have guessed the Rick and Morty theme would translate so perfectly into a jazz number?

And now we’d like to hear some other Rick and Morty songs get put through the Postmodern Jukebox filter. It might even make this one less depressing:

What other song from Rick and Morty would you love to hear a jazzy version of? Give us your best suggestions in the comments below.

Featured Image: Adult Swim

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