In the animated realms of Cartoon Network and Adult Swim, it’s highly unlikely that Johnny Bravo will ever cross paths with Rick and Morty. But it’s not entirely impossible, especially when admirers of both shows can simply make their own crossovers as fan films. This past week, a Rick and Morty/Johnny Bravo short was actually released, although it definitely did not play out in an ordinary way. If anything, Rick’s knowledge of fan films proved to be catastrophic for nearly everyone involved.
The YouTube channel Blinky500 has released Chris R. Notarile’s Rick and Morty Ruin a Film, which follows a woman played by Jessica Rae McClelland as she fends off the unwanted advances of Johnny Bravo, as brought to life by actor Chris Boudreaux. Admittedly, Johnny’s actions are pretty much the definition of sexual harassment, but things get a bit too meta when Rick (John Atkins) and Morty (Nicholas Polley) make their entrance.
While the implications of a fan film were lost on Johnny Bravo, the woman understood them all too well and suffered an immediate existential crisis. She questioned whether her life was real or if she even had a name. According to the credits, she did! Her name is Cindy, but we’ll refrain from including the adjective in front of her name, which is a pretty big spoiler for the short. As it turns out, Rick Sanchez had an agenda for getting involved with this story, and he’s not done yet!
What did you think about the Rick and Morty/Johnny Bravo fan film? Let us know in the comment section below!
Image: Blinky500