The third season of Rick and Morty might be a ways off, but at least it’s coming and the program wasn’t needlessly cut down in its beautiful prime. In the meantime, Adult Swim has graciously shared a brief clip of the space traveling duo, or rather, should we say, “commercially shared.”
Rick and Morty Sanchez star in a bizarre–but totally sensical by Rick and Morty standards–advertisement for Carl’s Jr and Hardee’s restaurants, which features Rick waking Morty up in the wee hours of the morning to invade his room alongside messy, mischievous, and anthropomorphic cheeseburgers, all from the restaurants’ menus.
All in all, it’s 30 seconds of new Rick and Morty, and they didn’t tone themselves down just because it’s an advertisement. Rick immediately breaks the fourth wall, or at least acknowledges it, by bursting into the room and declaring, “Morty, wake up. We’re in a Carl’s Jr./Hardee’s commercial right now.” After being introduced, the burgers invade Morty’s room, get their various sauces everywhere, and start stealing whatever they can get their hands on. In classic fashion, Morty is endlessly worried, as he should be: it’s four in the morning, he has a big test in a matter of hours, the burgers are getting sauce all over his bed, and they’re stealing stuff.
If Rick and Morty ever decides to sell out, there’s no way we’d be able to tell. Have they sold out with this commercial? There’s no way, because the video still plays out like a classic episode of the show. The limitlessness of the Rick and Morty universe allows them to hock any product in a creative way, so businesses are probably lining up outside of Justin Roiland’s door right now.
Featured image courtesy of Adult Swim