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RICK AND MORTY Enter ALIEN: COVENANT in a Semi-Official Crossover

RICK AND MORTY Enter ALIEN: COVENANT in a Semi-Official Crossover

Last month, Rick and Morty fans were treated to an early look at the third season premiere, but we’re still awaiting word about when we can catch the rest of the season. Fortunately, Adult Swim has made that wait a little easier by releasing a new animated short that sends Rick and Morty into the Alien universe.

In a very short video tie-in for Alien: Covenant, Rick reluctantly answers a distress call after Morty absolutely insists that they can’t simply ignore the plight of others. Of course, Morty rethinks his stance once he sees the disturbing scene awaiting them. Note that Rick still takes the opportunity to troll his grandson over that one!

Although the Xenomorphs didn’t make make an appearance in this video, the facehugger’s reaction to Rick’s blood was very funny. This may be sponsored content, but we’ll happily declare it to be canon within the Rick and Mortyverse. After all of their adventures through time, space, and alternate universes, it’s not out of the question that this encounter could happen within the context of the show. It would be amazing if we were able to get a full length crossover episode, for no other reason than to see what a Xenomorph would be like if it could survive and emerge from Rick’s chest. We’re thinking that it would be the first Alien to ever be born drunk!

What do you think about Rick and Morty’s encounter with the Aliens? In the comment section, no one can hear you scream!

Image: Adult Swim

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