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RICK AND MORTY Co-Creator Reveals New VR Game at E3

That pointy font. The amusingly anxious voice. That deadpan dialogue that clearly required a lot of real work to sound as hilariously lazy as it does. And of course, the blobby eye pupils. You can tell that a substantial amount of Rick and Morty‘s creative essence has found its way into Trover Saves the Universe, a new VR game from Rick and Morty co-creator Justin Roiland.

Let Roiland’s newest and most pointedly, humorously banal character “Bathtub Guy” explain it to you… without evincing much actual knowledge of how the game works or what it does.

Now, let us give it a shot: In the game, you’ll play two characters—”Yourself,” and “a little purple eyehole monster” named Trover (that’s him at the end of the video). In a mix of first-person and third-person play, you have to track down a beaked monster who stole your dogs and plugged them into his eyeholes so he can drain their energy and use it to destroy the universe.

And if that doesn’t make sense, here’s a comic that tries to explain it in a totally different way (click to enlarge):

Just don’t be like Bathtub Guy, who plays games in the bath and, ah jeez, it’s really dangerous, hooboy. But what we really want to know is: was Trover once a Mr. Meeseeks? He looks like an evolutionary offshoot, save for those freaky eyeholes.

Is there enough Szechuan sauce in the world to sustain y0u while you fill your own eyeholes with Trover’s adventures? We should find out in 2019, but in the meantime, let’s have you tell us what you think in comments.

Images: Squanch Games

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